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初三英语期中复习一【重点词汇讲解】-- 扬州家教网 - 教师频道
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发布者:本站编辑 发布时间:2009/8/31 阅读:4915次 【字体:



    1.quite “相当,非常”

    Two months is quite a long time. 两个月是相当长的一段时间。

    My little daughter can spell quite a few English words.


    She sings quite well.  她唱得相当好。(quite修饰副词well)



    如:This is an easy question. 这是个简单的问题。

    The question is so hard that I can’t answer it. 这个问题太难了,我回答不了。

    The rain is falling hard.  雨下得很大。

    Work hard at sports. 多运动。

    Work hard at sth. 在某方面努力。



    △enjoy doing sth. 喜欢干某事

    enjoy后不能接to do sth.

    △enjoy oneself=have a good time=have fun玩得高兴

    She enjoys light music. (She enjoy listening to light music.)  她喜欢听轻音乐。

    Did you enjoy yourself at the party?  你在晚会上玩得开心吗?



    We see with our eyes and hear with our ears. 我们用眼睛看用耳朵听。

    We write with pens. 我们用钢笔写字。


    I live with my parents in Suzhou. 我和我的父母一起住在苏州。

    Do you want to go with us? 你想和我们一起去吗?


    I don’t know the girl with brown hair. 我不认识那个棕色头发的女孩。


    He often helps me with my English. 他经常帮我学英语。

    5.without 不,没有,后面经常跟名词和动名词。如:

    He often goes to work without (having) breakfast. 他经常没吃早饭就上学了。

    Nothing can live without water.  没有水什么都不能生存。

    Can you finish the work without any help? 没有人帮助你能完成这工作吗?

    He left without a word. 他没说一句就走了。



    There’s nothing but a card in the box.  盒子里除了一张卡片什么也没有。

    I could do nothing but wait for their help because I was trapped.


    Last night I did nothing but fix my computer.


    7.nothing 是不定代词,它通常放在所修饰的形容词之前。类似的不定代词还有something/somebody; anything/anybody; nobody/nothing/no one 等。

    There is nothing/ something wrong with sb./ sth. 表示某人/某个东西没出/出了毛病。

    There is something wrong with my watch. It doesn’t work.


    Nothing is wrong with the watch.

    8.over 在……正上方

    There is a plane flying over the city. 有一架飞机在城市上空飞行。

    The workers built another bridge over the Huangpu River.工人们在黄浦江上又建了一座桥。

    over= more than 超过,多于

    I stayed in London for over a month last year. 去年我在伦敦呆了一个多月。

    The trees there are over 20 metres tall. 那儿的树二十多米高。

    over 越过

    He can climb over the wall easily. 他能很容易地翻过围墙。

    9.beyond  prep. 超出……之外,表示一种程度。

    He was beyond the help of the teacher.  他使老师束手无策。

    My TV set was beyond repair.  我的电视没有修理。

    10.since “自从…以来”,后常跟一个时间点或过去时的从句。它的主句常用现在完成时态。

    He has worked at the factory since he came to the city.


    I have written to him twice since last month.


    11.never 从不,永不

    He never comes late.  他从不晚来。

    Mrs Smith never has lunch at school.  Smith夫人从不在学校吃午饭。

    I will never forget the day.  我永远不会忘记这一天。

    12.seldom 很少,难得  是一个表示否定的频度副词,反义词为often, 通常放在be动词后面,行为动词前面。

    His sister seldom goes out at night.  他姐姐很少晚上外出。

    Simon is seldom late for school.  西蒙上学很少迟到。


    I read until midnight last night.  昨晚我看书一直到半夜。

    He often sleeps until his mother wakes him up.  他经常睡到妈妈叫他。


    He didn’t go to bed until eleven.  他直到十一点才睡觉。

    We won’t have supper until his father comes back.


    14.other adj. 别的,其他的,修饰名词。

    The other trousers are too big. 其他的裤子太大。

    He often helps the other boys. 他经常帮助别的男孩。


    I have two sisters. One is a doctor, the other is a nurse.


    Some students like playing badminton, the others like skating.


    another 为三个或以上中的另一个

    I don’t want this blouse. Please show me another.


    15.else 别的,其他的


    What else do you want?  你还想要别的什么?

    Where else did you visit? 你还参观了别的什么地方?


    I have something else to do. 我还有别的事要做。

    There is nobody else in the classroom. 教室里没别的人。

    16.enough “足够”。enough修饰名词一般放在其前面,修饰形容词或副词放在其后面。如:

    My brother is old enough to go to school. 我弟弟足够大了可以上学了。

    Is there enough food for everyone? 有足够的食物给大家吃吗?

    17.need v. 需要 need sth 需要某物

    He needs a good rest. 他需要好好休息。

    Do you need a bike?  你需要一辆自行车吗?

    sb need to do sth. 某人需要做某事

    We need to buy a dictionary. 我们需要买一本字典。

    Does he need to have a rest? 他需要休息吗?

    sth need doing 某物需要……

    Your room needs cleaning. 你的房间需要打扫了。

    The young trees need watering. 小树需要浇水了。


    You needn’t finish it now.  你不需要现在完成。

    Need they do it at once?  他们需要马上做吗?

    18.mind  n.想法,主意  v.介意

    I will never change my mind.  我决不会改变主意。

    Speak your mind out.  把你的想法说出来。

    Never mind= It doesn’t matter. 没关系。

    Do you mind my smoking here?  我在这儿抽烟你介意吗?

    Would you mind opening the window?  你介意打开窗户吗?

    19.look 看上去;看

    The little tiger looks like a cat.   这只小老虎看上去像一只猫。

    He looks very young.   他看上去很年轻。

    Look! He is running in the playground.  看,他在操场上跑步。

    Look at the pictures on the wall.  看墙上的画。


    I see a lot of people in the street.  我看见街上有很多人。

    Look! Can you see anything unusual?  看,你看见异样的东西吗?

    read 看,阅读

    My mother is reading today’s newspaper.  我妈妈在看今天的报纸。

    watch  观看

    We often watch TV after dinner.  晚饭后我们经常看电视。

    He wants to watch a football match.  他想看足球比赛。


    v. 听起来,是连系动词

    The music sounds beautiful.  这首音乐听起来很美。

    Your idea sounds great.  你的主意听起来很好。

    n. 声音

    There is no sound on the moon. 月球上没有声音。

    I heard a sound like a whisper. 我听到像耳语的声音。



    I will wait for him until half past six. 我将等他一直到六点半。

    He walked past the shop. 他经过那家店。

    pass是动词 = go/walk past


    A woman saw it happen when she was walking past.



    Mr. Wang is our past principal. 王先生是我们上一任校长。


    We know nothing about his past. 我们对他的过去一无所知。

    22.towards 介词,“朝……方向去”

    Mary ran towards the school because she was late.


    The man sits with his back towards the window. 那人背对着窗坐着。

    23.cross 穿过

    Be careful when you cross the road. 过马路时要小心。

    It is hard for us to cross the river. 我们很难过河。

    He crossed his hands before him. 他双手交叉在胸前。

    cross out /off 划掉

    Cross your name off the list. 把你的名字从名单上划掉。

    across 是介词或副词  cross=go/walk across

    I can swim across the pool. 我能游过这个池塘。

    He often helps the old cross the street. 他经常帮助老人过马路。

    crossing 名词,十字路口

    24.anything unusual不寻常的事 


    I have something important to tell you. 我有一些重要的事要告诉你。

    There is nothing wrong with the computer. 这台电脑没什么问题。

    Do you have anything cheaper? 你有便宜点的吗?

    25.alone 单独的= by oneself

    Don’t leave the baby alone. He is too young. 不要把宝宝单独留下,他太小。

    Her grandma lives alone in a large house. 她奶奶一个人住在一幢大房子里。

    I’d like to talk to you alone. 我想和你单独谈谈。

    lonely 孤独的

    He lives alone, but never feels lonely. 他一个人住但从不感到孤独。

    26.instead/ instead of 代替,而不是

    I didn’t come to school on foot. I came to school by bike, instead.

    =I came to school by bike instead of on foot. 我骑车上学,没有步行。

    Mr. Lu was ill, so Mr Wu took the class instead(of him).


    27.either “也”,常用在否定句中。肯定句中用too/also/ as well. (as)

    He doesn’t know anything about it , either.

    He (also) knows something about it.

    He knows something about it ,too/ as well.

    28.spend 花(钱或时间) spend …on sth.   spend …(in ) doing sth.

    He spends half an hour reading English every day.  他每天花半小时读英语。

    How much do you spend on the new skirt?  这条新裙子你花了多少钱?

    I spend ten dollars mending the clock. 我花十块钱修理这只钟。

    My cousin spends too much money on snacks. 我表妹在零食上花的钱太多。


    We spend our holiday in the country.  我们在乡下度假。

    How do you spend your free time?  业余时间你怎么过?

    29.try v. 尝试

    Let’s try the French dishes. 让我们试试法国菜。

    I tried the back door, but it was locked. 我试着开后门,可门锁了。

    try to do sth.  努力做某事  try doing sth.尝试做某事  try/do one’s best尽力

    try n.  have/take /make a try

    If you can’t do it, I’ll have a try. 如果你不会做,我来试试。

    He made another try, but failed at last. 他又试了一次,但最后还是失败了。


    stop doing sth.停止做某事

    They stopped talking when the teacher came in. 老师进来时他们不说话了。

    We didn’t stop working until ten o’clock.  我们直到十点才停止工作。

    stop to do sth 停下来做另一件事

    When he saw me, he stopped to talk to me. 他看到我时停下来和我说话。

    It’s eleven, let’s stop to have a rest. 十一点了,我们停下来休息一下吧。

    31.keep 保持,维持

    Don’t keep the machine running all the time. 不要让机器一直转。

    It’s important to keep our city clean and tidy. 保持城市干净整洁是很重要的。

    Take more exercise if you want to keep healthy. 如果要保持健康,多锻炼。

    I am sorry to keep you waiting for such a long time.



    The police searched the whole building. 警察搜索了整幢大楼。

    They searched him but found nothing. 他们搜他身但什么也没发现。

    search for=look for搜寻

    They are searching for the missing child. 他们正在搜寻失踪的孩子。

    He searched the bag for money. 他搜包里的钱。

    33.return= come back/give back归还

    You must return the book to the library before Friday.


    His father will return home next Sunday. 他爸爸下周日回家。 v. 居住,生活

    I live in a flat in Suzhou. 我住在苏州的一幢公寓里。

    We live a happy life. 我们过着幸福的生活。

    living adj.活着的

    Elephants are the biggest living animals on land.


    There is no living things without air or water. 没有空气和水就没有生命。

    alive 活的 是表语形容词,只能作表语或后置定语。

    The fish is still living/alive. 这鱼还活着。

    They caught the tiger alive. 他们活捉了那头老虎。

    35.achieve  意思是“完成;做到;达到(目标)”

    He will never achieve anything if he doesn’t work hard.


    achieve success  取得成功

    36.consider意思是“考虑;尊重”,但是它也常作“以为;认为”,后面可以接that引导的从句,也可以接as, to be,在本句中,to be被省略了。用法如下:

    He considered that he had not been well treated by us. 他认为我们待他不好。

    You surely can’t consider him to be a selfish man.



    I don’t know what to reply.  我不知道如何回答是好。

    He gave me no chance to reply to his question.


    We replied to the enemy’s attack by bombing their navy.   



    remember sb as …    把……当作…… 来记住/ 纪念

    We remember him as a famous dancer.  我们记得他是一位著名的舞蹈家。

    remember sb to sb  代某人向某人问好

    He asked me to remember him to you.  他叫我代他向你问好。


    remind sb of sth / sb    使某人想起……

    remind sb + that 从句  提醒某人做某事

    remind sb to do sth     提醒某人做某事

    He reminds me of my brother.

    He reminded me that I should be careful in doing it.

    He reminded me to be careful in doing it.



    ①imagine + n. / doing

    ②imagine sb. doing

    ③imagine + that … 想像(做)……


    Can you imagine living on a lonely island by yourself?


    You may imagine yourself as a great man. 你可以把自己想象成一位伟人。

    He imagined the whole family sitting in the living room on the eve of the spring Festival.      他脑海中想象着,除夕全家人齐聚客厅的情景。



    There is no room for you in the crowded bus.


    The bookshelf is crowded with books on different subjects.



    People crowded around to get a better view. 人们争相围观。

    He crowded everything into the trunk and then could not close it.


    crowd还可以做名词,表示“人群,一群人”,当a crowd of在句中做主语时,谓语应用第三人称单数形式。如:

    He pushed his way through the crowd. 他在人群中往前挤。

    A crowd of young people is willing to help stop the flood.




    be sure + of / to do / that …确信,对……有把握;

    make sure of sth. / that … 确认,弄清楚,确保。如:

    Be sure to write and tell me all your news.


    Please make sure that the meeting goes well. 请设法确保会议顺利进行。

    Make sure the windows are closed. 确保窗户是关着的。

    sure还有下列句型:be sure of / about 和be sure that

    I’m not sure that she will lend any money to Jim.


    for sure是非正式的口语,意为“无疑”。如:

    I think he has gone abroad, but I couldn’t say for sure.




    be certain to do …

    He is certain to agree. 他一定会同意的。

    It is certain that …

    It is certain that we shall succeed. 我们一定会成功。

    be certain of sth …

    That he will come is certain. 他要来,这点是肯定的。

    No one can be certain about what will happen from day to day.



    condition意为“条件, 情形, 环境, 社会地位”

    Conditions in the office made concentration impossible.


    I’m permitted to go out on condition that my homework is done.


    I’ll go where work conditions are difficult. 我愿意到工作条件困难的地方去。


    public n.“公众, (特定的)人群, 公共场所”

    Do not spit in public. 不要在公共场所随地吐痰。

    in public意为“公共场合(所)”,如:

    Confident people aren’t afraid to speak in public.


    open to the public意为“向公众开放”,如:

    This museum is open to the public. 这间博物馆向公众开放。

    They want to make it clear to the public that they are doing an important and necessary job.  他们要向公众表明,他们在做一件必需做的重要工作。


    relax  v. 放松, 休息,缓和, 使松懈

    relaxed  adj. 松弛的,缓和的,松懈的,通常用来修饰人。

    He’s feeling relaxed now.    他现在感觉轻松多了。

    be relaxed about  “在……方面比较随意”

    Where I’m from, we’re pretty relaxed about time.



    Reading is relaxing.  读书让人放松。

    I’d like to go somewhere relaxing.  我想去一个能让人心情舒畅的地方。


    expect vt.意为期待, 预期, 盼望”

    expect to do…期望、预计

    She won the first prize, though none of us had expected it.


    I expect you to write to me. 我盼望你给我来信。

    I expect you’re right——I’ll ask him, though.



    He’ll go there unless it rains. 如果天不下雨,他将到那儿去。

    He is sure to come unless he has some urgent work to do at home.




    The city lies to the east of us. 这个城市在我们的东面。

    The town lies on the coast. 该城位于海边。

    The letter lay open on his desk. 那封信摊开在他桌上。

    The valley lay at our feet. 峡谷展现在我们脚下。

    lie by为短语动词,表示“在……旁边”的意思。如:

    The child was lying by his mother. 小孩紧靠在母亲身边。

    lie 还可以和介词in, to, at, near, between等搭配使用,表示“位于,在……地方”。如:

    Jiangxi lies in the south of China. 江西位于中国的南部。

    The city lies at the mouth of the Yellow River. 那个城市位于黄河的入海口处。

    Yanqing lies near the Great Wall. 延庆位于长城边。

    Shandong lies between Hebei and Jiangsu. 山东位于河北和江苏之间。

    At the foot of the hill lies a beautiful lake. 小山脚下有一个美丽的小湖。


    necessary adj.必要的, 必需的, 必然的

    He found it necessary that he should learn English well.


    Repeat this as often as necessary.根据需要尽量多次重复这个动作。

    I think that it is necessary for the people’s health to get rid of the pollution of noise. 我认为消除噪音污染对人们的健康是必要的。


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